Sunday, January 4, 2015

2015 Mantra

What does it mean when people wish you an “awesome,” “amazing,” or “magical” New Year?

Does it mean that we hope the New Year will be without turmoil? That it will somehow be suddenly different than all our other years? That it will be free from trauma and drama? (BTW, I call my 3 year-old son ‘trauma’ and my 6-year old daughter ‘drama’, for obvious age-related reasons.)

Having now experienced 35 new years, my wishes and resolutions are different than they used to be. Perhaps with youth, we wish for the magic of a new year’s clean slate. But as we get older, we are settling into our slate’s etchings. Our past experiences make us who we are and a ‘clean slate’ is an idealistic notion. As we look back, we have so much to gain from a slate that is full of experience, perspective, wisdom, and resiliency. I don’t hope for a turmoil-free year. Turmoil is a part of life. What makes us special is how we emerge out of it. 

I keep reading about how "resolutions" don't usually hold up-we lose sight of them within weeks or months into the new year. This is probably because they are too big or too drastic or too unreasonable. Like at the gym, for example, I can never find a parking spot in January but things are back to normal by February. Instead of making big declarations of unrealistic changes we will make, maybe we should create a mantra to live by-something(s) you really want to embody in the new year. An embodiment of meaningful thoughts or actions that you can do while just sitting on the couch.  

My new year's mantra is this:
I want to live more in the present and not dwell on the future or the past. (I have spent a lot of time anticipating the future and in turn, have probably missed out on a lot of joy "in the moment.")

I want to recognize joy when I see/feel it and revel in it a few seconds longer than before. (Indulgent, perhaps, but I want to hang on a little longer.)

I want to see my kids grow and enjoy not only their major milestones, but also all the little steps along the way. (Noticing the little steps usually doesn't come with any fanfare, but our kids lives are made up of hundreds of little steps, and relatively few Big ones.)  

I want to really be present for those little kisses, hugs, and smiles. (I know they won't be there forever.)

Perhaps these are idealistic as well, but they are notions that I want to be more aware of. I have posted them as a reminder to slow down and take notice. There are already "awesome," "amazing," and "magical" moments taking place every day, if we take the time to notice them.
I wish you a RESILIENT new year with many JOYFUL moments every day!

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